Retail Environments: Blue Sky Thinking in New Store Concepts
Feb 09, 2016Editorial from Ken Nisch, Chairman – JGA, Retail Environments Magazine (January – February 2016)
Permanent Temp Spaces: Beyond Pop Ups and Traditional Brick and Mortar
Landlords could create the infrastructure for a series of spaces that go beyond popups and traditional brick-and-mortar. Enthusiastic associates with a chronic case of Millennial boredom are ripe for the next retail big idea. The experiential challenge is to allow them to become ambassadors for this next great thing. Stores could open and close around a series of topics. Some may be funded by third parties; others may be created by retail associates themselves. The changeable stores could be made fresh for consumers who are attracted through social media, world of mouth, and members-only events allowing a first peek at what’s new and what’s next. Playing off the “maker” society, this would provide continuity that is not available through typical popups, the art fair, or the product launch and infuse the mall with “freshness.”