The Disruptor: Heartbreaker or Hero
Mar 05, 2018
By Andrea Weiss, Founder, The O Alliance
One of my favorite tunes was always Pat Benetar’s “Heartbreaker.” Pat studied voice at my alma mater and practiced her craft in the bars and clubs of my youth in Richmond, Virginia, before becoming a rock legend. Pat’s powerful voice and edgy look, changed the way we would see the rock star forever. In an industry dominated by male symbols, she well…“rocked it.” Somehow whenever I encounter a new concept which threatens to disrupt today’s retail landscape, her iconic song pops into my head…….but with a slight twist:
“You’re a heartbreaker, dream maker, rule breaker, how will you mess around with me?”
Disruptors can provoke much more than just a classic rock refrain; they can marginalize, replace or paralyze a business. They can also act as the catalyst for change.
Are the characteristics of disruptors ones of scorched earth and business heartbreak? Or do these inspired creations lead us to new levels of creativity and progress?
What Makes a Disruptor?
Disruptors come in all forms and interestingly, not just from the same industry. Retailers don’t disrupt retail. They are only competitors. Brick and mortar has been fundamentally altered by a non-retailer – armed with powerful algorithms – who started the earth’s largest bookstore without any walls and who now seems unstoppable. Many see Amazon’s Jeff Bezos as a true heartbreaker. I see him as a hero. He didn’t simply look for “white space” – he turned the store space inside out. His customer-centric mindset allowed him to identify the essence of convenience and efficiency, and his courage allowed him to follow his course against many obstacles, failures and naysayers, to build the biggest commerce business of all time.
The Uberization of Retail
Other unlikely disruptors who offer many lessons for retailers are the ride-sharing businesses, Uber and Lyft. These new models of transportation had their rapid rise simply eliminating the friction of hailing a cab. But they also set new expectations for all consumers in areas such as:
- Personalization
- Customer Journey and Experience
- Service and Feedback Loops
- Mobility
- Payment Ease and Security
- Real Time Information (if I can see where my Uber is…why not my e-commerce package?)
- And Aspiration (shouldn’t every one have a private driver?)
Ride-sharing services have challenged retailers’ operational capabilities, and retailers who what to attract and retain customers today must have a response to these disruptive expectations.
Connect the Dots, but Blur the Lines
Conventional wisdom puts Amazon in the e-commerce lane, Uber in the transportation lane and fellow disruptor, Airbnb, in the hospitality lane. If you see it that way, you are not connecting the dots on the power and influence of a true disruptor.
The rule breakers change consumer expectations, by seeing around corners, developing and executing delivery mechanisms which create delight. To return delight to your own customer, you must see the disruptor as the dream makers.
Disruptors Among Us
Beauty retailer, ULTA, has the heart of a disruptor. Taking on the rules of prestige and mass; the-big box vs department store real estate paradigm; adding personal care services to drive store traffic; and wrapping this all in a highly effective CRM database: they have more in common with Uber than Macy’s. They delight their customers with assortment, convenience and experiences. ULTA gives me hope that other retailers can adopt the heroic spirit of the disruptor.
Adopt the Hero Profile
Retail needs more customer delight. And those who recognize that the store can be the stage for commerce, and learn from the actions of the disruptive hero, will be the industry’s future.
- Be a rule breaker
- Look around the corner
- Gather industry agnostic lessons
- Don’t just innovate, re-invent
- Be a dream maker
Or to paraphrase my rock star hero, Pat Benetar:
“ You’re the right kind of leader to release your business inner fantasy….be the invincible winner you know that you were born to be ”
A pioneer, often at the crossroads of change, Andrea Weiss has developed strategy and tactical execution plans for numerous businesses at points of inflection. As an advisor to CEOs, leading private equity and investment groups, her vision of consumer engagement makes her a sought after thought leader.